Viral Pup: Rory the Adorable Grumpy French Bulldog Is Only Soothed by One Thing and That's the Cinematic Works of 'Man of Steel' Star Henry Cavill


It's pretty weird when a human has a shrine dedicated to a celebrity they have never met but are totally obsessed with. However, when an adorable oreo-colored french bulldog does it, it's acceptable and actually SO cute. 

Rory, a cute frenchie, has gone viral on TikTok after her owner discovered her love for the actor Henry Cavill and Henry Cavill alone. She would notice her lil pup's head pop up whenever that actor would cross her screen. So she started experimenting. She would play movies without Cavill, and Rory couldn't care less. Then she would play a movie without Cavill, but mute it and put his voice over it. Rory would hop off the couch looking for her beloved Cavill and somehow new that it wasn't whatever actor her mom had put on the screen. 

Eventually her mom decided to put a framed picture of Cavill on the windowsill about Rory's bed and the adorable pup would just sit there staring at it. Rory is known to be quite the grumpy lil pup and would throw tantrums in her little bed every single day. But after her mom set up the Cavill shrine by her bed, she hardly ever would throw a tantrum. 

Eventually, Rory got so popular that fans started sending her Henry Cavill merch like photos, plush toys, pillows, and even blankets all with Cavill's face on it. Suffice to say that this Christmas was a Henry Cavill one for Rory and she couldn't be happier. Now her little area is beautifully decorated in the style of Henry Cavill and she is so calm and at peace when she is there with all her Cavill stuff. She's even happier when her mom puts one of his films or show on the TV for her to watch


The only next logical step is for Rory to meet Henry Cavill, but you know what they say, “don't meet you idols.” So for now, Rory is living in bliss in her home and Henry Cavill shrine. 

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