Why is it that when entering adulthood, you seem to get more and more tired? You're finally 'free' to do whatever you want (if you're rich that is), and you're still FREAKING EXHAUSTED. We blame men. Kidding! For real though, whether you have a hubby who just doesn't understand the meaning of putting down a toilet seat, a boyfriend who forgot Valentine's day, or even a situationship who won't text you back (the last one is the absolute worst), men can make us pretty sleepy.
Plus, being a woman is as marvelous as it is horrendous. Once a month we pour red stuff out of our downstairs area, our skin looks like a kid threw salami at it, and we have to deal with everybody else's problems because we're emotionally available. But women are funny… in fact, we're so funny (Look at us, tooting our own horn) that we compiled an entire list of witty women's tweets to get you through the week. Scroll down and have fun, because we certainly did.
For more, check out last week's here.
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked