Bank of America Customers Take to Twitter After Zelle Transfers Disappear, Leaving Many Accounts In the Red


It's never a good sign when a bank is trending on Twitter, and Bank of America has been trending for hours. While the institution is no stranger to rage, exasperation, and criticism, today seems to be especially bad for the bank - and for Zelle. It seems that some kind of bug is causing Zelle transfers to disappear from Bank of America accounts, leaving customers outraged and wondering if they'll get their money back. 

The debacle has led to an influx in customer service calls, which are not being answered. 

While some users, like @gregNEVERchills, are trying to provide useful information to their fellow BoA customers, others seem to be coping by tweeting memes about the anxiety-inducing situation and Bank of America's lack of response.

I've never particularly liked Bank of America. I signed up for an account over ten years ago because they promised a $100 bonus. It took months to arrive in my account, and by the time I realized how predatory the bank is, it was too late and I was too lazy to switch to a credit union or at least a bank that doesn't charge out the a$$ for ATM fees. Thankfully I haven't used Zelle to transfer any money recently, but I really feel for all the people out there having panic attacks about their balances. Let's hope BoA and Zelle fix this mistake, ASAP. 


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