Millennials will always remember that iconic scene from M. Night Shyamalan's classic 1999 film The Sixth Sense. Where an 11-year-old Haley Joel Osment plays a boy who can see dead people and he's sitting in a room that is obviously very cold because you can see his breathe and he says “I see dead people.” ICONIC.
Now, if you haven't seen the movie yet, then you should probably stop right now because this will ruin the ending for you and the ending truly makes this movie. But if you aren't a millennial who has lived under a rock their entire life or any younger generation and are familiar with Shyamalan's classic twist, then please continue.
Millennial parents are starting to show their Gen Z kids this movie, because they are now getting to the appropriate age to watch it. And, of course, they have to record their reaction to the ending because they do no know what is about to hit them.
These reactions are so pure and genuine, it makes you sad that you can't react that way again to the ultimate reveal of Bruce Willis' character.