I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Peanut the Mysteriously Deformed Rescue Kitty Gets Chosen at the Shelter Because of His Goofy Noggin, Which Makes Him Look Perpetually Surprised


When you go to the animal shelter with the intent to adopt a catto, sometimes you got to let your heart do the choosing. One woman, a Colorado native and dedicated cat lover struck the shelter cat lottery when she discovered the most adorably deformed kitty on their roster. Peanut, the cat in question, was unlike any cat that she had ever seen, mostly because his face was quite a bit different from a regular kitten. 


Fondly referred to as the “Bunny Cat”, Peanut is the strangest looking gato this side of the Mississippi. Because of his unusual appearance, Peanut has stolen the hearts of thousands online, flaunting his elongated ears, derpy smol forehead, and perpetually surprised-looking expression.

Considering his deformity, you would think that Peanut would have a whole myriad of health problems, but on the contrary, he's actually incredibly healthy considering his tiny head, beaming with quirky, derpy boy energy that can only be described as chaotic. Peanut is just like any other gato. Although he has a few issues health-wise, largely due to his shrunken dome, Peanut lives an extraordinary life. 

When he was adopted, his owner was worried that he had been abused and that was the reason his head was misshapen, but the shelter had no idea what Peanut's dealio was. Whether it was because of a genetic deformity or some kind of other birth defect, Peanut has not let it stop him! 

His unusual appearance has earned him hundreds of thousands of followers online and there hasn't been a single day that has passed without fervent praises from all of his followers. Everyone adores his strange look and his jolly attitude.  Now, at 7 years old, Peanut has lived far longer than anyone ever expected, joining his kitty brothers with daily debauchery and constant hooman affections. Maybe that was his medicine all along.


Either way, we know for a fact that this good boy/good bunny catto is our medicine of the day, boosting our serotonin and making us feel happy and grateful for out well-shaped heads and extra full hearts. 

 Who do you think is going to win this staring contest? Ok…1, 2, 3…GO!

This is the Peanut jam we have all been waiting for 


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