
The Almighty Helix Fossil Will Answer Any Question. Let Us Know How it Has Guided You!

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    Don't Choose the Politics of the Dome

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    Ultimate Test of Faith

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    If you truly believe in the power of the Helix Fossil, you must ensure this happens.
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    The Fossil Has Spoken Once Again

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    The almighty Helix Fossil has determined my fate. As it was the Helix Fossil, I am beyond saving.
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    Our Prayers Have Been Answered

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    Helix wishes for us to worship dome...
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    Wise Advice From the Almighty Helix Stone!

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    Arceus Wins

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    The fossil is a lie.
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    Who am I to Disobey the Mighty Fossil?

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    I Think He Believes Me...

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    I think he's avin a giggle ther m8.
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    Prehistoric Escargot?

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    I'm hungry.
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    The Almighty Helix Fossil Knows

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    Sorry, Arceus

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    Be Patient My Child, The Second Coming Will Soon Be Upon Us...

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    As he sat on the Mount of Moons, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?" And Fossil answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Helix,' and they will lead many astray."
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    May the helix guide us!
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    This Person Thinks He's on Maury

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    I Don't Think He's a Fan, Wow

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    The Might Helix Fossil Has Spoken

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    Aye. That, it Does

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    This Makes Me Sad

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    The More You Know!

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    Who Knew?
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    We Have Something in Common

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