Geek Universe

5 Reasons LOST Was the Best Science Fiction Show Ever! (And 5 Reasons Why It Was the Worst)

  • 1

    The Best: Compelling Characters


    LOST introduced a diverse ensemble cast with intricate backstories, making us care about each character's fate. From Jack's struggle with leadership and his complicated relationship with his father, to Locke's journey of self-discovery and overcoming paralysis, the show delivered a rich tapestry of complex individuals that kept us emotionally invested. Each episode dove deeper into the past of a different character, keeping us glued to the screen as we get to know the 'Losties' better and better as the show went on.

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  • 2

    The Worst: Convoluted Plot


    As the show progressed, the plot became increasingly complex and confusing, with many fans feeling that the series lost sight of its initial appeal. The introduction of "flash-forwards" and alternate realities (nicknamed "flash Sideways") further muddled the narrative. Throughout the 5th' season the characters were suffering nosebleeds due to the island jumping back and forward in time and at some point, we felt like we were going to suffer the same fate. It was brutal! 

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    The Best: Cinematic Quality

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    LOST brought a level of production quality rarely seen on television, with stunning visuals, breathtaking locations like the iconic beach camp and the mysterious Black Rock, and an unforgettable musical score by Michael Giacchino that elevated the viewing experience to new heights. We have yet to see a more impressive pilot episode than LOST's two-part season premiere. 

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    The Worst: Unresolved Mysteries

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    LOST introduced numerous intriguing mysteries, but not all were resolved satisfactorily, leaving some viewers feeling cheated. For example, the mystery behind Walt's special abilities or the true purpose of the DHARMA Initiative were never fully explained. Come to think of it we still have no idea what the smoke monster actually was or how come the numbers kept appearing everywhere.

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  • 5

    The Best: Groundbreaking Storytelling

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    LOST redefined the way stories were told on television, blending serialized and episodic storytelling, creating a narrative structure that was both engaging and innovative. The show was a pioneer in using flashbacks to delve into its characters' lives and their connections to the mysterious island. LOST's unique storytelling style influenced countless TV series that followed, as it demonstrated the power of non-linear storytelling in capturing and maintaining audience interest.

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    The Worst: Inconsistent Pacing


    The show's pacing often fluctuated between slow, character-driven episodes like "The Constant" and action-packed, mythology-heavy ones such as "Through the Looking Glass." This could be frustrating for those craving a more balanced narrative. The uneven pacing sometimes led to drawn-out storylines that tested viewers' patience, while other times it rushed important plot points, leaving audiences struggling to keep up with the twists and turns.

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    The Best: Emotional Impact


    LOST had the power to evoke a wide range of emotions, from heart-wrenching moments like Charlie's sacrifice and the "Not Penny's Boat" scene to the joy of long-awaited reunions, such as when Sawyer and Juliet found each other in the alternate reality. The series' ability to create such poignant and memorable moments was a testament to its strong character development and powerful storytelling, which kept viewers emotionally invested and connected to the castaways' journey throughout the series.

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    The Worst: Polarizing Finale

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    The series finale, "The End," left viewers divided over its emotional resolution and answers to the show's many mysteries. While some fans appreciated the character-focused approach and spiritual themes, others were left frustrated and unsatisfied with the lack of concrete explanations, sparking endless debates and discussions among the LOST community to this day.

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    The Best: Watercooler Conversations

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    The show sparked endless debates, fan theories, and discussions, becoming a cultural phenomenon that united viewers worldwide in a shared obsession. We all remember debating the significance of the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 or the true nature of the Smoke Monster. From forming communities on online forums to hosting LOST-themed parties, the show's intricate and mysterious plotlines fueled our collective curiosity and kept us guessing until the very end.

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    The Worst: The Aftermath


    LOST's impact on television also had a downside, as many subsequent shows tried to emulate its formula without capturing the same magic. This led to a slew of imitators that often fell short in terms of quality, originality, or longevity. The pressure to create the next "LOST" caused many shows to rely heavily on gimmicks, convoluted plots, and shocking twists, sometimes at the expense of well-developed characters and coherent storytelling. Ultimately, these failed attempts only served to highlight the uniqueness and brilliance of LOST, despite its own flaws and shortcomings.


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