Animal Comedy Newsletter

Heartwarming Florida Man-atee Caught on Camera, Flaunting Its Adorable Chonky Baby to Kayaking Tourists on the Gulf Coast


Florida is known for many things. Most notably, we often see Floridian headlines riddled with horrific and shocking news about the acts of strange men at 7Eleven with face tattoos and crazy, maniacal expressions. Well, finally we have a headline-worthy story from the Gulf Coast, boasting the true pride and joy of Florida's natural environment: wild adorable manatees. 


These triple extra large water puppies are native to the crystal clear wetlands and lakes of the central gulf coast of Florida and they often get forgotten amongst the mixture of classic Floria Man-tics. However, one clear bottom kayak company near Tampa will often run into these gentle giants, reminding tourists of the graceful and derpy nature of the sea cow. Recently, the company's Instagram page went viral for a heartwarmingly adorable video of the cutest baby manatee on this Earth.

As the baby follows his slow and peaceful mother, he playfully flaps his pancake shaped tail in the water, serpentining behind her as their tummies are tickled by the algae and seagrass below. 


The pair get outrageously close to tourists boats, making them feel as if they're in the water with these chonky mermaids, igniting the childlike magic of Florida wildlife once again. The baby loaf even approached one of the tourists, who also happens to be a photographer, in his kayak. This boopable snoot appears to be soft and curious, just begging to be petted. 


Manatees have been endangered for quite some times, so the Clear Kayak Tour Company are an excellent way to get these sea doggos back in the public eye. These wrinkled, dopey sea mammals are a part of a large group of wild creatures that the CKTC gets to hang out with on a regular basis. Through the clear glass bottoms of their epic kayaks, you can see all sorts of wildlife, like rays, turtles, sea stars, and even dolphins.

However, the stars of the show will always be the manatees. These gentle giants draw the biggest crowds of excitable tourists, who are anxious to catch a glimpse of the meandering grace of the grass-munching river goddess and her baby. 

So the next time you're at a Publix or in a gas station in Tampa, take a stop near Clear Kayak Tour Company and pay these charismatic grey loafs a visit. They are truly the best and most wholesome attraction in the entire Sunshine State.

Brb my heart is melting


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