People usually judge a dog by a few factors when they first see them. Hoomans judge a dog's appearance (yes, many people are breed-ist), they judge body language, and then they judge the scariness of the bark. For people who are afraid of doggos, all of those things can be a bit intimidating, but if a dog can pass the test of all three, then the pup is accepted. One disabled pooch, a rescued French bulldog named Link, has a few tricks of his sleeve that accidentally make him the most approachable and adorable doggo out there.

Link, hilariously, has a completely silent bark. He believes that he's the most dominating good boy of the house, however, what he doesn't realize is that his borking bork is not making any noise. Because he's deaf, Link doesn't realize the volume and power of his boof, which, when he is visibly attempting to make noise, feels like watching TV with the volume turned all the way down. He looks like he's barking, he's convinced that he's barking, but then nothing comes out.

Sometimes when Link is barking, he just makes a whispering exasperated sound, as if the wind is blowing through his open snoot and past his floppy lips.

It's pretty adorable, honestly. However, there's one other thing about Link that sets him apart from the other doggos at the rescue. Although he is incredibly confident and nimble, Link is completely paralyzed from the hips down. He has a special rig with wheels that allows him to frolic outside with the other pups. Link lives a life where he is absolutely unaware of his un-intimidating shortcomings, but he has all of the confidence in the world to offset it. He's just like any other doggo.

Recently, Link's owner has been doing a ‘daily chaos forecast’ where she feels like she can predict the day's upcoming insanity and craziness based on Link's bark style. If Link barks silently (like usual), the day will be mellow. If he barks with a squeaky, squealing sound, the day will be chaotic.

He has become an absolutely icon online and his following adores him. Unfortunately though, Link's pawrents received some bad news regarding Link's well-being not too long ago. After receiving a much needed MRI (partially funded by donations from his following), they learned that Link has a cancerous tumor on his spine. Fortunately, for now, Link is continuing to live a happy, pain-free life, sharing his nearly silent voice with the masses and making everyone around him smile.
The absolute sass
Today's chaos forecast, brought to you by Link!
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