Animal Comedy Newsletter

A Dose of Wholesome Goodness: Shelter Dog Losing Hope Finally Finds Her Perfect Furever Home After Going Viral with Her Heartbreaking Story


Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching a dog slowly lose their spark because they are truly heartbroken. That's what was happening to Linda, a large breed who was left at the Humane Society of Broward City. This sweet pup had a family, but when they moved they were unfortunately unable to take Linda with them. This sweet baby is a large breed and kept getting passed on at the shelter. 



Big dogs don't always get the first pick from adopters because they're afraid they'll be too much to handle. But dog people know, it's usually the little ones who are the spunkiest. Linda sat in her kennel for days and days with no one interested in her. She slowly started losing any sign of happiness—she stopped taking treats, didn't care about getting pets, and she didn't even want to go on walks anymore. She was losing hope so badly she would hardly even lift her head anymore when someone passed by. 


The workers at the shelter were so heartbroken by this they printed up a note on her kennel to explain her tragic situation, but she was still not getting any interest in potential adopters. So they took to TikTok to see if social media could help spread Linda's word.  


Linda Losing Hope


The video quickly went viral with millions of views and thousands of viewers commenting how they could help. Linda all of a sudden got flooded with adopter applications and things started looking up for the sweet big ‘ole baby. However, when a family came for a meet and greet with her, she got too nervous and was unable to do the meeting. That’s normal for rescues, especially one who was struggling to thrive in the shelter. 


The family already knew Linda's story and were patient with her. Even though she was too nervous to do the meet and greet, they ended up taking her home for a trial sleepover—take her out of the environment that was making her so anxious. 


Trial Sleepover with Potential Adopters


And guess what—it went amazingly and the family adopted her! If it wasn't for her going viral on TikTok she may have never been united with her now-forever family. The family sent photos to the shelter as an update on Linda, and they had renamed her Lucy and she was THRIVING. The family and (now) Lucy had fallen so in love with each other. It was a beautiful end to Lucy's sad story. 


Linda, Now Lucy Gets Adopted!


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