Motherhood is a delight. You're the one stuck cleaning diapers all day, managing menial meltdowns, and psyching up to bring your toddler into Target. After a long day of baby management and feeling like you're at your wit's end, all you want is a glass of wine, full to the rim, but instead you get to watch your kiddo do parkour on your couch instead of heading to sleep. The joys of parenting, although infinite and amazing, get a little tiring sometimes. It seems like once you get the Coco Melon theme out of your head, there's some new squealing kids show song to replace it. Some moms have had enough!
Marvelous mothers must unite on the front that we too are human beings and will not be reduced to the high-pitched cartoon voices on our TV's. We have sass, we have class, and we'd really like to have another glass… of chardonnay. So cheers to all the tired moms out celebrating Mother's Day this weekend. We salute you.