Feedback is important but usually not well received. People generally don't like hearing all of the things that they could have done better; those with overly inflated egos tend to take this especially poorly.
Sure, it doesn't feel good, but most of us would take the feedback—maybe apply it, maybe not—and move on from it. Only occasionally recollecting the exchange when the intrusive thoughts move in while trying to go to sleep at night.
Rather than doing this, this company decided that they needed to get even with a job candidate who left them a review after a negative interview experience, turning to threats and demanding that the review be taken down.
The candidate shared the emails they received on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, providing some context to the screenshots in a comment. Readers responded in the comments with some thoughts of their own.
Read on for excerpts of the thread below. Next, check out this new employer who threatened a teen after they quit two days after starting the job after spotting red flags.
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