Dog Has the Most Wholesome Reaction When His Mom Puts His Paw on Her Pregnant Belly and He Feels Her Baby Kick for the First Time (Video)


The saying that dogs are “man's best friend” needs to be updated, because it is absolutely not exclusive to men. You can see that clearly in this video of a sweet sweet boi and his pregnant owner. The woman puts her beloved dog's paw on her belly and starts recording on her phone to see what his reaction might be. She had no idea it would be as wholesome of a reaction as it was. The dog was hardly even paying attention, in fact, he was looking the other direction. His paw is placed gently on the woman's pregnant belly and he's just no paying attention.


However, then you start to see his head turn a little bit, as if he's concentrating on something all of a sudden. Then you can actually see the little baby kick through the stomach and oh boy did this catch this sweet canine's attention. He whips his head towards his owner and looks at her in shock and excitement. His eyes say “oh my god, was that what I thought it was?!"

He immediately starts giving her pregnant belly kisses and her hand kisses as if he was saying “congratulations” and “I'm so excited to meet my new baby sister!” Because even though the dog can't understand our language, we're pretty sure he already knows way more about that baby than us through his super sweet doggo sixth sense. We don't know how, but we just believe it. Don't @ us…

Anyways, it is the most wholesome reaction and we can't stop watching the video over and over again. DOGS ARE THE BEST. WE DON'T DESERVE THEM. 

Watch the full video below:


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