Dude Loses One of His Puppies In His Own Home and Goes Into Full Panic Mode, Finds the Smol Dog Hiding in the Derpiest Place (Video)


Puppies are the silliest most lovable creatures to walk this planet and you cannot change our minds on that. The video below shows you further proof backing that reasoning. Puppies are magical creatures that bring humans a lot of joy, but with something that makes you love it unconditionally with all you heart, comes the dread of potentially losing that said thing. 

Puppies are a big responsibility for that reason. They are curious and clumsy and will quite do dumb things all the time. It's one of the reasons we love them and also one of the reasons they cause us so much anxiety. 

The dog dad in the video had a full on episode when he couldn't find his puppy in his own home. The Ring at-home security footage shows the guy running around frantically calling out his puppy's name. He looks inside and outside, he even turns to his older dog to interrogate him on if he knows where the pup might be! 

The dude goes into full panic mode and is running around screaming now. He calls his friend to come over to help him find his puppy. His friend gets there and spots the puppy right away, because he was hiding in the window… He was behind the curtain, that's why the doggo dad couldn't see him. The puppy just looks at him like, “…what?” 

We're pretty sure this dog planned this and punked his dad. Brilliant!


Look at that sneaky face!

Watch full video below:


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