Hello, soul sister. If you clicked on this article chance is, you're going through it. As if we don't have enough struggles as women, mother nature decided to sprinkle an extra bit of spice into our lives during our graceful years of aging. We won't sugarcoat it - menopause is rough. It's an emotional rollercoaster with thrills, loops, ups, downs, and all the in-betweens.
But when we really think about it, it's nothing we haven't experienced before. After all the birth control, pregnancies, and periods - let's just say that a rollercoaster ride is no new phenomenon. Sure, the mood swings may be heightened and the heat flashes - ouf, that may just be the worst part. But hey, at least we're that much closer to never bleeding out of our hoohas again. That's gotta count for something.
So, our fellow soul sisters, this journey is one heck of a ride but if there's anyone who can go through it gracefully - it's women. Like, imagine guys having to go through periods and menopause - they'd probably go extinct.
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