After a record breaking box office debut, countless mixed reviews, and the Peaches song by Jack Black, Super Mario fans everywhere have had their love for the franchise rekindled and the whole Mario world has blown up again. Now that everyone has finally achieved their childhood dream of having a handheld console that you can also play on the big screen, the Nintendo Switch users are exploding with 'I told you so's' to all of the bandwagoners that have just fallen back in love with Super Smash, Mario Kart, and Mario Party. To be fair, everyone's nostalgia bone was tickled when we learned that our favorite Italian plumber brothers would be back at it again on the big screen– so what if that means we need shout 'Mama mia!' at our TV screens just like we did when we were kids. So teach your youngest cousin a lesson and show no mercy when you play Super Mario next. They may have fallen in love with the new movie, but you grew up in these streets and no blue shell can touch you.