Animal Comedy Newsletter

Employees Get Bored and Teach a Wild Squirrel at Their Windowsill to Ring a Bell When it Wants a Snack, Now He Comes Every Lunch Break


We have no idea what these people do as a living, but they should add squirrel training to their resume. TikToker “Alienor” posted a video of a curious little squirrel that comes to visit the office around lunch time every single day. Why? Because her coworkers trained it to ring a bell every time it wants a snack. You're probably thinking, the little guy must be ringing that thing constantly. But now, they only lower the ringer when someone is around and has time to feed him. 

They make sure not to give him too much snackies because they don't want him to become dependent on them, but this neat little trick really brings good vibes to the entire office. They've named him Kluyver and he's gotten so popular that the TikToker now posts updates on the little guy and his progress. They even added a little mug so he could stand on it and better reach the bell string, and he learned how to use it beautiful. 

Kluyver gets pistachios, almonds, and all kinds of treenuts, and in return, the employees get a little something to brighten up their day. Seriously, who wouldn't squeal with cuteness overload when watching this clever lil tree dweller??

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