Severely Emaciated Pit Bull Surprises Her Rescuer by Breaking Away From the Leash to Shower the Neighborhood Kids With Love


If you have ever help to rescue animals, then you know there is always that one case that absolutely breaks your heart. Junie is a pitt bull who was recently rescued from the streets. When she was found she was so completely emaciated, she was showing signs of of her body shutting down. She was very much on her last leg and her rescuer held her breath on that first night keeping an eye on her the entire time. 

Luckily, Junie pulled through and with a few more vet visit and then tons of love and help from her rescuer, she's been doing much better. She is already full of life again, jumping up out of bed to great her rescuer with tail wags and smooches. She is still very skinny, but she is expected to make a full recover. 

Her happy healing journey has had lots of benchmarks, but the most recent one happened when her rescuer accidentally dropped the leash. She was walking just outside her house, since Junie can't go too far yet, when the neighborhood kids came running by. She probably wasn't holding onto the leash too hard since Junie has hardly had enough energy to even lift herself up, she was not accepting her to sprint away, but that is what happened. The kids came running, and Junie sprinting towards them. Luckily, Junie was just as happy to see them as they were to see a “cute doggy.” 

The kids seemed so concerned for skinny Junie and showered her with love and Junie showered them with love back. It was such a beautiful moment to capture—seeing this dog who has been through heck and back, opening up to these sweet children. She has met them several times now and each time the pup and the kids come together, you can just see Junie light up. Her tail starts to wag, and then her whole booty. She is gentle with them, as they are with her. You can see that both the dog and kids have a mutual respect and understanding of boundaries with each other. See for yourself below! 

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Meeting the Neighborhood Kids


Meeting the Neighborhood Kids Again

Meet Junie: The Beginning of Her Rescue

Healing Journey


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