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There's something to be said about leaving things you don't understand well enough alone. We see this often in workplaces when some new-fangled manager comes along who doesn't understand the technical work of the people reporting to them; rather than seeking to understand (or admitting that they don't understand), they try to apply their existing mental framework to the situation—often with disastrous results.
This situation is no different; when working with kids, you're going to find yourself often perplexed and shaking your head at some of the things they come up with. They've been brought up in a different world than you, and their understanding of it is going to be different, for better and for worse. You just need to accept there are going to be some things you just don't get, and rather than being critical, it's better to be open-minded and provide guidance to the things they enjoy doing.
This teacher found a way to share their interest with their students, engaging them in a game that encourages creativity and problem-solving… but the Deputy Head wasn't having any of it and wasn't pleased. They couldn't understand why the kids didn't want to play a tried and true game of "sports ball" instead but were quickly shut down by the more insightful students.
Read on for this classic story, originally shared by Redditor u/Catlord_Rexfelis. Next, check out this guy who watched the DnD movie in a hilariously wrong way.
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