Isn't it fun to watch your kid throw half of their meal on the floor, knowing 5 minutes after the meal they're gonna ask you for a snack? It's just the little things these little gremlins do that truly make us smile with that little twitch of exhaustion. It's just how parenting goes. You love it and yet it's also the most frustrating job in the world. But it is so worth it. We just hope you know that you deserve snackies just as much as your youngin one does. Take a moment to have your own parent-snackie break and doom scroll through some relatable and extremely funny parenting memes. We all know you're doing the best you can and we see you. You are doing fantastic! Don't let the crayon on the walls and pile of dirty laundry get you down. You know there is a college dorm doing much worse than you and they don't even care. You got this! Snack on some tasty memes below!