Whether or not you believe in an afterlife for hoomans, it's tough to imagine a cruel universe where your precious pooch only has a decade or so to exist. Your dog deserves to continue on in the afterlife way more than most people on Earth, but nobody can say for sure what happens to their tail-wagging little souls after they've passed on. There's one children's movie that has helped parents avoid explaining the cycle of life to their children for decades that most folks have clung to in their adulthood: All Dogs Go to Heaven.
Even if you're not a 90's kid, you can agree that your pooch is well-suited to become an angel some day, because they've been training for it their entire lives. But what actually happens to them? Recently an artist asked an AI to speculate what really happens to doggos after they go and the resulting art is so wholesome and peaceful that it makes everyone's heart burst.

Although AI is really just pulling information out of the world wide database of the Internet, there's something to be said about the images it created with one simple question. What happens to dogs when they pass? Well, according to artificial intelligence modules, doggos are all slated to go to some version of Heaven, complete with white puffy clouds, other dogs to play with, and maybe someday, their beloved owners.

What's really sweet about this is that when you peek over at your own pet from beyond your phone screen, it's easy to imagine how happy they'd be in a place like this. Maybe AI was just trying to be nice like the parents of every 90's kid who watched All Dogs Go to Heaven after their family dog left the world, but perhaps this is one unanswered question that most people are happy with an unconfirmed truth.

All of us just want our dog to have the best life (and afterlife) pawsible. So if this is what it looks like for Fido on the other side, this is one conclusion that we're happy to jump to if need be. So tuck us into bed with this happy bed-time story because we can all rest easy knowing that our own furry best friend will travel to the best place ever once they've completed their time in our world. Godspeed buddy, we'll see you over there and bring your favorite ball with us.
"I kind of hope I end up where they are"
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