The award-winning series 'Scooby-Doo' sets the stage for a world where a team of teenagers and their talking dog solve mind-boggling mysteries. In an uncanny encounter, the iconic Great Dane detective, Scooby-Doo, finds himself face-to-face with his real-life doppelgänger. Sporting his signature blue collar and an expression of bewilderment, the real-life Scooby-Doo couldn't believe his eyes as he watched his animated alter ego solve mysteries on the TV screen. In a series of head tilts and perplexed growls, our furry friend attempts to communicate with his cartoon counterpart, as if to say, "Why am I over there, if I'm over here?". Dog lovers, it looks like we've got ourselves a mystery. Who is the real Scooby-Doo, and who is the im-paw-ster?
Help us solve the mystery by reviewing the riveting evidence in the video below. The resemblance will lead you to leave no paws un-turned.
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