One of the biggest nightmares of being a cat parent is losing your at. What do you do if your beloved cat goes missing? You can put up lost cat signs around the neighborhood, check online for anyone posting about a found cat, call the local shelters to see if anyone brought them in, and go around “pspspsps"-ing and rattling food while calling out their name. But sometimes, even all of that can be a dead end. It's truly very stressful and heartbreaking.

A cat mama recently posted online the beautiful reunion of herself and her lost kitty, but it had an unexplainable twist. Her sweet furbaby of 8 years had been missing for a week. They had tried all the aforementioned ways to find their sweet Chloe the cat, but nothing. They were monitoring their security footage and noticed that she had come home last in the AM and they had just missed her. It broke their hearts that they had been ships passing in the night after the week of sleeplessly trying to find her. So they started “pspspsing” around hoping Chloe was still near by. Then all of a sudden, Chloe appears and saunters over to them like nothing was wrong. However, the cat mom was going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Not only because they had just found their lost cat that they were extremely worried about, but also because the night before she had dreamed of this EXACT moment. The had a very vivd dream of Chloe coming home exactly from where she was walking over from, and that her husband was wearing those exact shorts and making those exact “pspspspsps." The whole experience was so overwhelming to the cat mom that she just scooped up her baby and started crying.

She says that they took Chloe to the vet to make sure she was in tiptop shape after her week-long adventure, and the sweet feline is A-okay. They also help TNR a colony of stray cats around their home and partner with rescues to help find the strays home. All while taking care of their own baby and running a mobile bar business. The cat mama was in shocked that she had dreamed of that exact moment “to a T” and says she will be working hard on opening up herself to listen to the signs of the universe some more. She adds that it was as if her cat was trying to tell her that she was okay and will be back soon.
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