It's so lame that everybody's so bored all the time. We've got unlimited access to knowledge through our public libraries, and yet we seek out none of it. We could watch whatever we want on the internet, yet we rewatch our dumb favorite YouTube videos over and over again with diminishing returns every time. We've got the world at our fingertips, but we don't care enough about the world. Why? It's because we're tired. We spend all day working to make money, exercising our brains to figure out the right answers that we don't want to stimulate our minds after it's done. We want to rest, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. I've had my fair share of weekends of listening to the same podcasts I've already listened to a hundred times while playing digital Yahtzee. However, sometimes it's worth taking it to force your mind to think, and I believe these memes will help out with that.