Happy Sunday! It's that time of the week when we cap off the weekend with some beautifully bonified nerdy programming memes. Let's talk coding
Most people understand what really goes into coding. It's not the simplest of concepts to wrap your head around. You can't explain C++ to the average person as simply as you could car mechanics. That's not to say car mechanics isn't complex. It requires a ridiculous amount of knowledge, but the average Joe could understand the concept of fixing a car. Think about how coding is portrayed in Hollywood; absolutely hilarious scenes of the nerd character hammering their keyboard to hack into the mainframe. That's just not how it works. It's not a quick process, it's a slow, frustrating, and methodical one. Pouring over code for hours on end, just to find that single error that's disrupting the entire project. But it's a rewarding one, where would we be without coders? While most people might not understand coders, just know that you're the glue that holds this society together.
Let's get to the reason you clicked on this article. Here are 25 of the most miraculous, nonlinear programming memes we could find for you!