No matter how you feel about your childhood school days, chances are you had one teacher at some point whose impact was long-lasting and not in a good way. Sure, there are excellent teachers out there, ones who recognize good potential and understand how to motivate and encourage students from all walks of life. Those are the kinds of teachers you never forget in a good way. But at some point, you probably also had to deal with the opposite kind of educator, the kind who made your life difficult for no good reason.
These fully grown adults, who shared their stories via this r/AskReddit thread, still remember those scarring experiences to this day. It could have been an unfair failing grade. It could have been detention for a silly reason like chewing gum. It might even have been a cruel comment or joke at the expense of a student that crushed their spirits and left a lasting impact. Long story short: As back-to-school season looms, let's all remember that teachers can impact their students in all kinds of ways, so the best course of action is to be careful, kind, and generous. Otherwise, you might end up on an Ask Reddit thread!
Keep scrolling below for this collection of anecdotes. When you're finished, check out this collection of teacher pranks and fails.
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