Whether you have a kid or not, everybody has opinions on parenting. We've all been on one side of the equation, and as former kids, I think we can all share our views on what constitutes "good parenting" and what does not. I understand that some parents might not agree that everyone should have opinions about parenting, and that's okay! Unfortunately for those people, we live in a free society, and hot takes are one of the few things we are all entitled to, no matter who we are.
I'm not sure I have a parenting hot take, but I do think that you can be loosey-goosey with some things that a lot of parents are super against. I really don't think you should ever read a kid's texts, for instance, unless you think they're in actual danger. Twitter users recently came together to share parenting takes that were a lot hotter than that, and I can't help but agree with many of them.