Let's be for real. We all go through phases throughout our life. There are good times, there are bad times, and there are in betweens. And while every single stage is valuable for you know, learning life lessons and such, you should always be wary not to get stuck in the bad phases for too long. There are numerous ways to distract oneself from the chaos; some meditate, and others go to therapy. But if you ask us one of the best ways to cure sadness is through laughter and a sense of belonging. And what better way to combine both than through memes?
Today we're bringing you a big ol' dump of slightly unhinged memes. Now, these aren't for the fainthearted, only for those troubled souls going through it right now. As you scroll through these, we hope that you are able to relax, unwind, and laugh a little. Even if that means laughing at yourself. Sometimes that's needed too.
Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our TikTok @cheezcaked