Motherhood has been seen as sacred in many cultures throughout all of human existence. Giving birth has been equated to going into battle and becoming a mother to becoming a goddess. And many mothers will agree with these comparisons. It's a pivotal moment in any parent's life that truly marks the step into a new level of life. Mothers will go from party girl, "free spirit," living on the edge to sober, following a strict schedule, picking the safe choice real quick.
For those reasons, many woman have trouble seeing themselves as a mother. Some women are so sure that motherhood is not for them, while others are on the fence. Some women just never really thought about it but then life threw them a squirmy-spermy wrench and they had to think about it ASAP. So what makes a women ready to be a mother, especially when they initially believe it to be a role mot suited for them? Mothers chime in and share wholesome stories of how they were able to go from not wanting children to being the happiest mommy ever.