Lumos! Ah, that's better. Now that we can all see each other, does anyone know anything about defense against the dark arts? What do you mean, no? You've been students at Hogwarts for years, and you can't tell us a single thing you've learned from your years of studying this subject every year? Well, we're going to change that. Welcome to 36 Harry Potter memes more useful than your last defense against the dark arts teacher. Open your books to page five.
The first thing we're going to learn is that taking time to laugh at geeky memes is a good way to drastically improve your mood when you've accidentally tansfigured your mate into a squirrel. After you've finished giggling, look up the reversal spell and we're sure they will forgive you. The second thing we're going to learn is that a wizard never apologizes. He simply casts fireball and moves on. Whoops, wrong genre of wizard!
Tom Riddle, you've done a lot of bad things in your life, including starting a movement of dark wizards to try to take over the world, but we need to talk about your use of the word "penetrate". Let's keep it to a minimum, okay buddy?
What other reason could Dumbledore have had for hiring that useless buffoon? He was only good at one spell, the memory-wiping one, and that's not even a useful spell for the defense against the dark arts. Shouldn't that be more of a charms class type of spell?