Ah, the sea. Nothing like the salty spray grazing your face, waves churning and rolling, inviting you to parts unknown. There is something endemic in humans that draws us oceanward. Maybe it's an ancient instinct to find resources, maybe it's the promise of adventure, or maybe it's the pull of mystery. That's the thing about the ocean, after all. It holds unknown enigma and phenomenon of which we land-dwellers can only dream. It's the last frontier (or is that space?) for boundless imagination and stories yet to be told.
Remember when sea shanties were trending on TikTok? I feel like that was us returning to our sea-faring selves, embracing the gallant sailor lifestyle that perhaps we all long for. I forget that there are real people now who spend their lives at sea and that they have stories to tell much like Odysseus did. That's what Reddit is for. So dive with us into the deep, expansive blue of sea tales from real-life sailors, as they regale us with their strangest sights.