When you've been loyal to a company for a while, it may seem like a betrayal to put in your two week notice. Even though you're following standard resignation protocol, priceless employees are impossible to replace– thus, throwing your ex-boss into a lurch. You may feel a sting of regret for a moment when you break the news, but if your boss throws an all out tantrum against you for making choices that improve your personal life, it makes it a heckuvalot easier to walk away.
Foraged from the forums of Reddit, our next story shows how a bosses hissy fit only solidified their resigning employees resolve in leaving. Sometimes leaving a clustered mess in your wake is the only way to move on up in the world, and if your boss is going to act like a baby about it, perhaps you've made the wise decision to get out now. Scroll for the full tale of passive aggression, baby-like behavior, and an affirmation for all of you folks thinking about quitting your toxic job.
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