I remember the day, the hour, the minute that the first episode of the last season of Game of Thrones came out… I could not wait to get off work and begin my bumpy bus ride back home, climb up those 4 flights of stairs, greet my cats, and immediately go to the living room and turn on the TV. I also recall how disappointing that Season was, and how I remember canceling it in my brain, deciding that it was not worth including in my memories. Tucked away somewhere, I decided that Game of Thrones for me, had ended at Season 7 (not that the season was that much better, but it certainly doesn't compare to the mess that Season 8 was).
Storylines were ruined, and character development was out the window… I was absolutely furious. So, I did what everybody else was doing, which was waiting for George R. R. Martin to release the final book(s?). But that did not happen either! So here I am, suffering through this waiting game that has frankly become sort of exhausting. House of Dragons it is, then, huh?
Enjoy the memes, fellow GOT fans. And then, check out these hilarious Harry Potter memes for a magical week.
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