Heartwarming Winter Animal Memes To Infuse Your Day With A Little Festive Fun

  • 01

    "Our forefeathers"

    This guy looks like he's on his way to go sign the Duck-laration of Independence.
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  • 02
    Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3 Follow What cows look like after a shampoo and blow dry
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    Some wildlife experts believe that bears have a sense of beauty. There have been many sightings of bears siting at scenic points and staring out into beautiful vistas of mountains, rivers, etc.
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    Bunny in a bunny bed
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  • 05
    You've heard of the elf on the shelf, now get ready for سال
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    fleshdyke Follow i love how hyenas still have the winter coat gene fleshdyke Follow like if you keep hyenas in cold climates they just do this. its so silly ...
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    ErUpstairs @ErUpstairs My little rescue dog breaks my heart. He still can't get over having his very own bowl.
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  • 08
    My coworker asked me to babysit the kitten she is fostering while she traveled... kitten is laying it on thick. Must. Resist. Adopting.
  • 09
    Did you know if you turned a picture of bats upside they look like they're dancing at the club?
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    u are not him buddy stop the silly act
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  • 11

    "Big baller"

    Everyone please look at my friend's cat, Marty. @accioreylo Marty just called me poor in cat language
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    funnystories intensional U r not doggo but I love u Source: respectfulmemes 23,177 notes
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    just incase you were having a bad day look how happy this raccoon is with his stuffed raccoon
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  • 14
    Juliet Turner @juliet_turner6 I took my cat hiking with me in the Welsh mountains this weekend
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    "just vibing"

    4}}{\ just chilling nothing weird whats he doing oh okay well as long as it's nothing weird
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    I think we have a pretty good chance this season. The average hunter is getting older and millennials Think meat come from stores
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    "Goood morning"

    Somedays it's harder to love your dog unconditionally than others.


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