Wholesome Memes Of Dogs And Their Families To Fill You With Holiday Joy

  • 01

    "sandwich creations come from those with thumbs is my thought"

    I'm really glad we don't have to hunt our own food anymore.... I don't even know where sandwiches live.
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  • 02

    "just curious is all "

    "Sorry to bother you, but I could've sworn I heard some kind of wrapper being opened in here. Am I right?"
  • 03

    "loved just so greatly"

    If by "spoiled" you mean loved and cherished, then yes... I am!
  • 04

    "he deserves all the gifts in all the world"

    My dog goes to work with me every day and my boss got him a Christmas bonus 925-8500 PETSMART DRE RESER PETSMART
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  • 05

    "What’s your dog’s full name?"

    When your mother calls you by your full name BARKTHOLOMEW!!! CLASSICAL ART MEMES facebook.com/classicalarimemes Heck!
  • 06

    "I would do anything for my dog."

    It was cold so I gave my dog my jacket NO
  • 07

    "too heccin late linda "

    Me: "no no please don't poop right here!!" My dog: VA @the atomic elbow RU TK ESHT AVI
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  • 08

    "Goodnight "

    Mom: when are you giving us grandkids? Me:
  • 09

    "same "

    'You can only have one carry-on' Me:
  • 10

    "dog rules and dog drools"

    My dog decided it was time to go to bed about twenty minutes ago. Off he went. I stayed on the couch, ya know, as is my right. he just walked back in here and looked at me like "did I stutter? It is time for us to go TO BED." Welp, good night, y'all.
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  • 11

    "This is so wholesome.."

    "This man was forced to give his dog to Humane Society due to lengthy hospital stay. This nurse went to the shelter and adopted his dog. She brings him to visit daily & will return him as soon as the man is released!"
  • 12

    "Always go after what you desire most"

    "Do what you must. I have already won." @thatgoldendog @barkbox
  • 13


    When you trained your dog, to protect your partner, and you ended up having a disagreement with her. لا
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  • 14

    "It is me. It will always be me."

    Girl: WHO'S A GOOD BO... Doggo: Sharon we've gone over this a million times... @moistbuddha
  • 15

    "Ugh, I just love dogs.. so much."

    Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary 16 hrs. Goodnight to everyone from the Gang, warm in the living room around the Christmas tree with a fire going in the fireplace
  • 16

    "We’ll be down here"

    When you're at a party and they let the dog out.
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  • 17
    If you haven't had a photo shoot with your dogs in matching flannel than what type of dog owner are you really? @dogmemejunkie
  • 18

    "all day every day"

    That Mom Tho @mom_tho 90% of dog ownership is telling your dog you're not letting them out because you just let them out and then letting them out
  • 19

    "who is she talking too"

    My mom: This animal just eats, sleeps, and never takes a shower Me and my dog trying to figure out who she's talking about: C


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