Hilarious Hump Day Animal Memes To Make Our First Week Back Go Down Smoother

  • 01
    "A sloth is never late, nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to"
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  • 02
    up sweetpeete: me: *holds doggy* doggy: *is hold*
  • 03
    evn @cryboi just a couple cowboys out shopping : $15 2000
  • 04

    "Every once in a while I just become the meanest person you’ve ever met"

    find the thing that doesn't belong Cheers to91 This was very much worth looking for
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  • 05

    "Kinda felt like everyone needed this today"

    uhrair i want my rats to grow up with positive role models. so we watched ratatouille together. gravy was really into it.
  • 06
    "He's getting the dangerous parts away from me. That's a sign of cow respect"
  • 07

    "My GOSH I just worked for 12 hours straight at a Mexican restaurant on cinco de mayo, I don’t even know how to finish this caption cause I’m just so bewildered by the experience"

    When you have been at the bar since Cinco De Mayo and now it is Cinco De Siete and you've ordered over $5,000 in tacos and margaritas and you're beginning to realize your friends probably aren't coming back. ܫܫܢ D @whitepeoplehumor
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  • 08
    Dog: *moving his paws while sleeping* Everyone: "Aw, he's probably dreaming about chasing squirrels."
  • 09

    "For real I have caused chaos tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    There's no time to explain @nocturnaltrashposts climb aboard
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    icouldhavecats Follow Boo! 666,310 notes
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  • 11

    "Thank goodness for bear memes am i right"

    pictures-of-dogs pov you are a fish or perhaps a berry
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    "Fundraising but I’m just trying to get the cash necessary to purchase an exotic bird"

    Me after finding out how to finance things
  • 13

    "Ratatouille but instead of cooking it’s with music, ratatwoille"

    ITS APRIL 13 YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS FETCH ME NEIL 8 chongoblog malm Neil banging out the tunes April 13, 2006
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  • 14

    "Today I almost got to witness a fight at work but it got broken up which I can’t even lie was a little disappointing to me"

    CAPYBARA MAN @CAPYBARA_MAN real or fake?
  • 15

    "Unmatched dynamic"

    philadelphia excellence @thebigkhalifa Best friends off the court, sworn enemies on it. Athletes understand. 100 100 100
  • 16

    "Why do animals like raccoons, bears, foxes, squirrels, lions, tigers, cheetahs, panthers, pandas, and skunks have such soft fur that is so difficult to get the opportunity to pet??"

    Sascha Viktor @confusedophan if bears are scary predators how do u explain this
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  • 17

    "El gato"

    We got our cat a taco truck for Christmas. I think she likes it GATO+ S ¡MEOW DELICIOSO! MEOW DELICIO EAS
  • 18
    I am mid tachomkus But I am free


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