'Puppy storytime': Adorable stray puppy shows up on farmer's doorstep, is welcomed with open arms and joins the family as ‘Chance’ the beloved livestock guardian


We have heard many stories of stray dogs being found and finding their happily ever after with that human. It always warms our hearts. But in the case of Chance the puppy, it feels more like she found her humans and not the usual other way around. 

Chance is a very fluffy white puppy that wandered into the right front yard. She was found by the woman of the farm who just happened to come out at that time to feed some of her other animals. It was 7 AM and she was shocked when she noticed this fluffy cloud rummaging around her front yard. 

The puppy was immediately friendly and the farmer immediately fell in love. However, the pup looked like a common breed that many other farmers in the area have, a Great Pyrenees, which is a livestock guardian breed. So she went to work trying to find the owner to this wonderful pup. 


She called the local Animal Control, the sheriff's department, local shelters, and posted on the neighborhood socials, and even texted as many neighbors as she could trying to find this sweet girl's home. She even took her to the vet to see if she was microchipped and nothing. After several days of radio silence, it became clear that this dog was a legit stray. 

It was bittersweet that someone would dump this amazing dog and want nothing to do with her, but it was a win for this farmer and her family. She has officially adopted the pup and named her Chance, after the dog in Homeward Bound. She has already started training her to be the farm's working livestock guardian and Chance is taking it like a fish to water. She's even already getting along with the donkeys (not so much the chickens or the cat, but baby steps!

See Chance's wholesome journey below.

Watch Part 1:

Watch Part 2 (meeting the chickens):

Watch Part 3 (meeting the donkeys):


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