Welcome moms of the internet, just slaving away day after day with your children who you love and also…get annoyed by. Anyone who's a parent knows how hard it is to raise kids, how tiresome and exhausting, how much it takes away from you, sometimes to the point that you don't even know who you are anymore. It's a difficult journey of pain and perilous new experiences (just kidding, it's not perilous).
To raise kids alongside your partner, or alone, is a wild journey of growth, development, evolution, and truthfully, the future. Your kids are the future, so take that admonition to heart and raise them right. Guys, please respect girls, girls please respect guys and stick up for yourselves in this man's world. Enjoy these days of hardships and not sleeping, one day your kids will be grown and you'll miss when you had to drive them around all day.
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