Mama Panda Bearly Contains Her Excitement After Heartwarming Reunion with Baby


Who can forget the end of last year when the pandas at the Washington DC Zoo were sent back to China? A heavily covered event, the 'panda diplomacy,' began when China sent pandas to the US over 20 years ago. The best part of the coverage was the jumbo jet the pandas flew in style back to their homeland - the FedEx Giant Panda Express - decorated with a giant panda decal on the side of the plane and stocked with bamboo so the bears had plenty of snacks for their 19-hour flight. 

If you didn't know, four more pandas from the Atlanta Zoo are also scheduled to be sent back to China in the coming months - the last three pandas in the US. But don't worry; according to recent news, there are talks of new pandas making their way to the US!

Pandas' adorable two-toned fur and iconic black ears and eyes have made them a favorite in the animal kingdom for years. Sadly, because these creatures are endangered, they are considered the world's rarest bears, and we don't get to see many of them. But in this heartwarming video, a baby panda is reunited with its mother. 


The video doesn't explain why the pair was separated in the first place. Still, many people speculate that the baby was just getting a health check, considering pandas are endangered. 

The mother panda showed so much love for her baby when they were first reunited that you might find your eyes watering up when you watch the full video below.


Watch Full Video Below:


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