Meet Prince: The Wholesomely Hilarious Horse Who Thinks He's Actually a Doggo


Pet owners love to share stories about how goofy their furry friends can be. There's the classic joke about orange cats, who all seem to share a single brain cell, or hilarious stories of goofy dogs sprawled in the most ridiculous sleeping positions. Yet, we don't hear much about some of the other common pets out there. 

Take horses, for instance; there's a whole stable of stories we don't hear much about, which can make it easy for us non-horse owners to forget that horses are just as quirky as our doggos!

Or, in this case, horses are exactly like our doggos. Prince the horse's hooman swears he was a dog in his past life. Why? Well, for starters, this hoofed hound has a weird love for drinking his water from a dog bowl.

But that's just the tip of the hay bale. Prince doesn't just stop at unconventional drinking habits; he's also a huge fan of the doggo lifestyle. He loves to bug his hooman to take him for his daily walks, leash and all. He frolics with stuffed toys in his pasture and even likes to play a good ol' game of tug of war even once in a while. 

These majestic creatures aren't just for show; apparently, they have as much personality as any cat or dog, but you really have to gallop into their world to see it shine through. So next time you meet a horse girl, make sure to ask her about what goofy behaviors her horse has. They might be weirder than you think!


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