I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Dog And Duck Are Inseparable Best Friends

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    Meet Barcley, an adorable Golden Retriever, from Orange County

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    And meet his best friend, four-year-old Pekin duck Rudy

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    The proud owner of those two adorable friends is Pam Ishiguru, who has a flock of seven ducks

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    Before Rudy the duck and Barclay the golden retriever became best friends, it was Rudy’s job to keep Barclay from going into the the duck coop to eat the ducks’ food.

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    The duck would chase out the dog, using his beak to peck at the intruder. One day, Barclay stopped running away however; then the two got to know one another, and soon became the best of buds.

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    The Orange County-based mum said: “The animals are much like my two boys"

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    They have a love-hate relationship. When they are together, somebody is always chasing or jumping on someone else, but when they are apart, they're always calling for each other."

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    The pair often cuddles together on the sofa

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    An adorable and pretty unusual friendship


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