Hey there women of the world. These days, everything seems to cost way too much money. From rent, groceries, and buying cars, it feels almost impossible sometimes to make an honest living. With this in mind, having kids will always make the cost of living much more expensive.
On a different topic, in the year of 2024, there's been a lot of cultural changes. From feminism's different forms, the exposure of famous men and their infamous crimes, and the redefining of masculinity. Being a 'man' used to be (and still is in a lot of ways) about being strong, tough, assertive, and even angry or violent. The complete and utter rejection of anything stereotypically 'feminine' or 'female' was the definition of manly. Taking care of children? Not manly. The color pink? Also not manly. This strict perspective on masculinity is doing society no good.
There are caveats to being too obsessed with manliness. They call it 'toxic masculinity' for a reason.
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