Animal Comedy Newsletter

Sweet Mid-Week Animal Memes To Help You Hop The Hump

  • 1

    "They are so sweet "

    My cat packs case I get hungry while im out. Shack every night She puts some of her kibble in my purse. Nightly. Always in the same exact pocket. I know its nightly because I just cleaned all the kibble out of said pocket like 10 hours ago, woke up, checked my purse, new snäcks have arrived. A very thoughtful bebe

    It is not often that a pawdorable pet will support its pawrent in such a way, but golly gosh it certainly is a heartwarming sight to behold. Now if only we would train our pets to help us get ready in the morning, we would be living in the future.

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  • 2

    "No dogs"

    aww lawd he got tiddies NO DOGS NO DOGS
  • 3

    "I don’t see anything"

    "My cat literally thinks I can't see him and jumps at me when I walk by"
  • 4

    "Like now what"

    When you forget to bring your phone. into the bathroom

    A tragic affair indeed. After all, in this day and age, going to the bathroom is almost a synonym of absent-mindedly scrolling on your phone while you avoid doing anything else. Not to mention the fact that unlike in the past, there is no reading material in the bathroom… not even a magazine.

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  • 5

    "He’s too happy"

    We found our cat's old toy under the fridge
  • 6

    "those are his chanclas"

    I know you must be busy but look at this havaianas
  • 7

    "How he did this is incredible "

    Finally some good news Polar bear cub turns bucket into helmet mnn
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  • 8

    "Clearly he’s helping"

    Someone: I can't finish my food anyone want It? Me: INTROVERTSMINDSET MI take that off you don't worry!
  • 9

    "I would do the same"

    Only one eye is lined because the other one didn't know how to do it.
  • 10

    "The most comfortable"

    when you finally get home from work after a long day and get to put your feet up
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  • 11

    "The perfect family picture "

    My dog kicked my girlfriend in the face and her own dog laughed
  • 12

    "He found an error on the matrix"

    Now I have to unplug my lamp at night. Because this cat learned how to turn it on. And he turns it on every time he's hungry in the middle of the night.
  • 13

    "We all got a fave person"

    me seeing my fav person for the 1st time: me seeing my fav person for the 6385th time:
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  • 14

    "She looks stressed"

    This little kangaroo got on his mom's last nerve
  • 15

    "This is so smart"

    For $5, this shelter will write the names of people you hate in the litter box CHR'S ADRIAN TREVOR DAVE JOSH JOHN
  • 16

    "something I would get"

    *you get more mature thought you are aging* my birthday cake at 25 years old
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  • 17

    "I was showing you"

    When you show someone something you're really proud of and they say "cool" and change the subject
  • 18

    "Smart idea"

    asked my mum if she could bring my charger down stairs, she replied "shout the dog" greetings that'll be 23 treatos


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