Parenting Fails

This Kid is More Stylish Than You Could Ever Hope to Be

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    This post, titled "Mondays", drives home the fact that you NEVER look this put together ANY day, let alone a Monday.

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    Getting a four-year-old's hair to stay like that, even for the short amount of time required to take a photo, must merit some kind of award.

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    It's easier to just throw a hat on.

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    Ryder may not understand the concept of infinity, but he sure can rock an infinity scarf.

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    When we were kids, weren't our sunglasses of the neon plastic/Disney branded variety?

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    This kids has TORTOISESHELL sunglasses.

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    Most of us don't discover the joys of tortoiseshell until our twenties.
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    Even Pharrell would be proud of Ryder's shades.

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    Ryder knows you can't go wrong with a classic look like this one.

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    (No, scratch that. THIS is a truly classic look.)

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    At the tender age of four, Ryder has already learned a lesson of utmost importance:

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    Leaning never goes out of style.
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    Leaning on fences.

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    Leaning on low walls.

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    Leaning on higher walls.

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    Never stop leaning, Ryder.

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