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Owners Get Creative To Stop Their Chubby Cat Meatball, From Stealing Food

  • So what is it?

    meatball the cat sitting and drinking a beer

    Well, Meatball loves food so much, he's willing to risk his own relationship with his own kitten children! How? By stealing their food!

    Tsk, tsk, tsk

    But, things weren't always this way. Back in his younger bachelor days, he and his partner Mochi were quite trim. That is until kittens Pepper and Nugget came into the picture.

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  • How did it start?

    Meatball's family of cats

    When Pepper and Nugget were old enough to eat solid food, Meatball noticed their bowls, than saw his, then decided that as the elder and well father... he should get more. 

    So he started to steal from his children's bowls. (Obviously after devouring his bowl.) Meatball's owners started to suspect something when Meatball started to well... pile on the weight.

  • Like father like son

    Meat ball sitting like a boss with a Sapporo beer.

    Koon Wah built little partitions to separate the cats during mealtimes, meaning they can't see each other's bowls or sneakily nick food from whoever's nearby.

    What's worse... Pepper started to follow his dad's lead!! We all look up to our parents, so when Pepper saw what his dad was doing, he did the same to Nugget. Leaving Nugget deprived of snacks :(

    Luckily, their owners, Daphine and Koon Wah, noticed what was happening and sprung into action. 

  • The solution

    Voting booths to feed cats with equality

    Koon was able to build little partitions to separate the cats during their mealtimes. This way all the cats aren't able to see what the other is getting. They also can't steal the others food. 

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  • Say Cheese!

    Cats eating in their pods

    The couple saw how successful the first prototype was (even though it was made from cardboard) and decided to build a more stable one, from wood and fabric. Each cat now has their own private spot. 

    Daphnie told The Dodo that Meatball and Pepper 'are still a little overweight', but clearly the cats are on track for a healthier, happier lifestyle.

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