It's winter. It's cold. It's snowing. We hate it. Actually, well, aesthetically, we love it, we think it's very pretty, but goodness, snow is so cold. The only thing that manages to warm our hearts during this person - every single year - is the fact that while we may hate the idea of frolicking in snow, animals seem to heckin' love it. Oh, yeah, animals reacting to snow and loving it is, by far, the best thing about winter, and no one can convince us otherwise.
We have already seen puppers reacting to snow for the first time. We have experienced the magic of watching panda cubs playing cheerfully in snow. We have even gotten to see the undeniable wholesomeness of a wolf getting cozy in a nest of snow. But today, we have something even better - a video that combines the wholesomeness of the wolf with the cuteness of the puppers - a video of a man making the best out of a massive snow storm by building a little snow cave for his sled dog.