Did you know that there is a cat that is naturally chonky and floofy to an extreme degree and that said cat is also perpetually grumpy? Well, then you have not heard of the Pallas' cat. The Pallas' cat is absolutely the chonkiest cat ever. There is also a Pallas' cat reaction photo for every emotion - that's how purrfect they are. We see this cat, and even its incredibly grumpy face does not deter us from wanting to pet it. Seriously, take one look at it, and you will understand. We have yet to see a cat that is fluffier.
Now, of course, they are cute at all times, but when they're not… we're telling you- there's something about seeing chonky grumpy Pallas' cats goofing around in snow that hits kinda different. And in this video, these perpetually grumpy cats are gettin' a lil randy with one another, and though you'd think they wouldn't look oh-so grumpy flirting, but they do, and it's hella amusing.