Welcome back single ladies of the internet. It's summer, it's hot outside, and it's time for your singlehood to soar. Being single isn't all bad times and lonely nights. It's a whole constellation of opportunities that wouldn't normally be available while you're in a partnership. First and foremost, it's an opportunity for immense growth. It's wildly exciting to get to know yourself, who you are truly, without the shadow of another person beside you. Having this profound independence will heighten your confidence, attracting more and more people.
I don't know about you, but when I'm in a relationship I become highly emotional. Things that normally wouldn't bother me start to take its toll. My heart is open, and so everything feels like the weight of the world. When I'm single, it's like I'm free to soar, to experience, and to feel truly comfortable and happy with myself, bereft of intense emotional swings. So enjoy these single memes just as much as you enjoy the single life.
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