When you propose to someone, it's a pretty big deal. There are some people who have dreamed their whole lives of having the perfect proposal in the perfect location with the perfect ring with the perfect person, and other people who could care less how they are proposed to, as long as it's with the right person. No matter what kind of proposal you hope to have, no one wants to be asked when they're not ready. So that's why if you're the one about to propose, you better make sure your fiance is actually on the same page as you. That way, you can avoid the unnecessary awkwardness and public embarrassment when they say "no." Unlike these people.
Below, over 20 people share the stories of what happened to them after their marriage proposals were rejected. Some have a wholesome comeback story, others dodged a bullet by almost ending up with the wrong life partner, and others are just completely cringe. Read below for the full stories and prepare to have some second-hand embarrassment.
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