Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. There's a lot of talk these days about red flags, green flags, and even beige flags. It's the new trend, to mark someone with a big red X if they do something uncalled for or inappropriate. In our current cancel culture, people better watch out. They're in the green one minute, and in the red the next.
Sometimes you can be dating someone years, even married to them, before you see one of these red flags come up. But when you do, they're staring at you with big, red, bulging eyes. It's easy to spot, but difficult to navigate once you're already with the person for a long time.
Take this couple for example; they're in love, engaged to be married, and just bought a house together. Her family comes to visit for Fourth of July, and well, things don't go according to plan. She sees coping behaviors in her fiancé she never saw before, and can never unsee. So read below for yourself, and tell us, do you think she should dump him?
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